CCCADA Cocaine Addiction Treatment

cocaine addiction treatment

Assessing the severity of your cocaine addiction requires a comprehensive evaluation of your physical and psychological dependence on the drug. It’s essential to understand the extent to which cocaine has taken control of your life in order to develop an effective treatment plan. Our comprehensive approach to treatment includes personalized plans tailored to your unique needs, including medication-assisted treatment options and holistic approaches for long-term success.

How does cocaine work in the brain?

Cocaine, especially crack cocaine, is strongly addictive for several reasons. For one thing, the high feels very pleasurable, especially when you first try it. So you might keep taking the drug to prolong the good feelings and put off the unpleasant comedown. Since it’s an illegal drug, you can never be sure about the quality of cocaine.

  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 1 estimates that, in 2018, 19 million people used cocaine, a number that is expected to grow against the backdrop of the socioeconomic crisis caused by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
  • When people enter treatment, addiction has often caused serious consequences in their lives, possibly disrupting their health and how they function in their family lives, at work, and in the community.
  • Let us be your partner in this journey towards freedom from cocaine addiction.
  • Our treatment facility provides a safe and compassionate environment for your loved one to receive the necessary care and support.
  • These effects were attributed to overall higher medication adherence for the first dose of the day (95%), but lower for subsequent capsules.

Inpatient Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Treatment for a cocaine addiction typically involves detox and therapy in an inpatient rehabilitation program. These programs greatly increase a person’s chances of a successful recovery, even though psychological dependence on cocaine is a serious condition that’s difficult to overcome. Cocaine is a dangerous and addictive drug, but with proper treatment, recovery is possible. Treatment for cocaine addiction involves detox, medications, and therapy, and it works best with support from family, friends, and professionals.

cocaine addiction treatment

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Options

Meaning  The findings suggest that contingency management programs may be beneficial for the treatment of cocaine use disorder among adults who actively use cocaine. There is an emphasis on finding new medications with novel mechanisms of action for treating CUD (e.g. 63). In addition, the available results for ketamine are highly promising, notwithstanding the necessity of further investigations involving larger samples and longitudinal designs to establish the long-term behavioural effects and limitations to this intervention. Nonetheless, currently available medications deserve further investigation based on the existing literature; these include long-acting amphetamine formulations, modafinil, topiramate, doxazosin and combined topiramate/MAS-ER treatment.

cocaine addiction treatment

Understand the Effects of Cocaine

One medication commonly cocaine addiction treatment used in MAT programs for cocaine addiction is disulfiram. It works by blocking the enzyme responsible for breaking down cocaine in the body, leading to an unpleasant reaction if the drug is consumed. At CCCADA, we’re committed to providing personalized care and support on your journey to recovery from cocaine addiction.

Of note, in the CUD treatment literature, there is a heavy focus upon samples of cocaine users who receive medications for OUD. While the apparent aim is clinically relevant in addressing the high percentage of opioid-dependent individuals who use cocaine, findings are not likely to replicate across other subgroups of cocaine users. This is seen in prior divergent findings with the cocaine vaccine TA-CD 35,36 and galantamine 51,52. Furthermore, attention to medication adherence is highly inconsistent throughout clinical trials or inadequate (e.g. counting pills 55). One possible solution to this problem is the employment of biomarkers to track medication exposure. The precise reasons for dropout are often unknown or unreported, but this information may prove invaluable to determining better tolerated treatment trial parameters.

cocaine addiction treatment

Who is at risk for cocaine addiction?

A follow-up study by the same group explored pharmacogenetic response to doxazosin treatment based on an alpha-1 adrenoreceptor subtype D (ADRA1D) genetic variant 118. Given that T-allele carriers with the ADRA1D SNP (T1848A) treated with doxazosin had a greater reduction in cocaine use, this polymorphism constitutes a potential pharmacogenetic marker in pharmacotherapy for CUD 118. Results comparing human laboratory experiments and clinical trials provide a concordance of data supporting the efficacy of methylphenidate (60 mg/day) for treating CUD in individuals with ADHD 32,102. However, subsequent RCTs investigating methylphenidate as an agonist replacement therapy in participants with CUD, both with and without comorbid ADHD, revealed mainly negative results.

Treatment may be delivered on an outpatient basis, but treatment for cocaine addiction often requires a period of inpatient care in a treatment center, particularly since withdrawal symptoms can lead to depression and a variety of serious psychiatric symptoms. These success stories highlight the transformative impact of CCCADA’s cocaine addiction treatment program. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, we encourage you to reach out to CCCADA for the support and guidance you need to start your own success story. Incorporating these behavioral therapies into your cocaine treatment at CCCADA can greatly enhance your recovery journey and improve your overall mental health. Remember, you don’t have to face this alone; our team is here to support you every step of the way.

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