Ethereum: websocket multiple stream python

Here is a detailed guide to help you manage multiple WebSocket to win the Crypto on Crypto on Binance Award:

assumptions *

  • You have a Binance API account and you can AP with AP_ID ​​ASecret_id.

  • You have installed the WebSocket-Client library in the Yourthon project. If not, you can install it using Pip Install WebSocket-Client.

code *

Here is an example that shows how other web -web declines for binance at the cost of bitcoin (ETH) and Litecoin (LTH):


Import WebSocket


Ethereum: websocket multiple stream python

Set up with your API authorization

API_ID = “Your_api_id”

API_SECRET = “Your_api_secre”

Meeting the status of addresses URLS

stream_urls = [

“WSS: // Symbol = Btcusdt & Lype = Limit & Stream = Order_book & Limit = 100”,


“WSS: // WebSocket API (Websocket+Limit+24h)? Symbol = Etusdt & Type = Order_book & Stram = Order_book & Limit = 10”,

“WSS: // Symbol = LTCUSDT & LYPE = Limit & Stream = Order_book & Limit = 20”



Initialize WebSocket connections

WS_BTC = WebSocket.create_connation (stream_urls [0])

WS_ETH = WebSocket.Create_connation (stream_urls [1])

WS_LTC = WebSocket.create_connation (stream_urls [2])

Prodate function

Def Update_price_stream (Symbol, Websocket):

It’s true:


Get your current order book for symbol

Response = WebSocket.recv ()

Data = Json.loads (Reply)

Price = Float (Data [“Price”])

Print (f “{symbol}: {price: .2f}”)

In addition to WebSocket.WebSocketexception as E:

Print (F “Error: {e}”)

Run the price of the flow updates

ws_btc.update_price_stream (“BTCUSDT”)

ws_et.update_price_stream (“ethusdt”)

ws_ltc.update_price_stream (“LTCCUSDT”)

Run indefinitely until it stops

It’s true:

Time.Sleep (60)


Explanation *

This code is connected to this websocket to Binance at the prices of bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC). It defines update_price_stream, which will receive the current year of the year. Thes Thees Thessocks of the Message that connects WebSocket is current and current dates.

The main part of the code is that WebSocket consumption uses Stream ACH.

Note : Make replacing у_апи_id aa гор_api_secret` wyth your real API credentials Binance API. It is also that this is a simplified example and you may want additional processing and protocoling errors depending on you.

I hope it will help! Further assistance or need further help.

bitcoin very bitcoin

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