Market Depth Analysis In The Context Of Ethereum Classic (ETC)

market depth annalysis of Ethereum Classic (etc.

Cryptocures have bee been there topic for invessors and merchants in resent there. One of the most is a popular cryptocurrecy of Ethereum Classic (etc.), Pow (POW) algorithmic competitor to Bitcoin’s work certificate for consequently algorithm. ERTC has experienced significant price fluctuations over the meetings, so it is an attractive investment option for the those wheel to take an advantage of it because it will take an advocate of titial.

What is the depth annalysis of the market? *

Market depth anonysis is a technical hole analysis to evaluate market volatility and emotions by annalyzing trading tradings and prices of several sources. It will be information on liquidity market, purchas and sales levels. By combining data different exchange, indexes and other sources, market depth anonysts can create detiled charts and paterns.

market depth analysis etc

FTTC markets has experimented significantly fluctuations over the year, which is a lead and an increasing intelligence in development for liquidity. As a result, market depth analysis is become increasingly important for merchants and invessors want to navigate in these variations.

In order for market analysis of ETC, we will leave a we can see a steam gadge:

* The amount of trading : Thins measure etc. The average is a day. Higher transting volume typically show.

* Price range

Market Depth Analysis in

: With the protective agent, the highest and lowest prices are achieved by a period of period when a price range. A narrower price range is indicating your indicating stability, while awid area of ​​a number of increasing volatility.

* Volume value ratio (VVVR) : This meter calculated the mount of trading and the valuation of the ETC. Higher VVVR typically showers a strong marketership.

etc. Market depth annalysis map

The folling diagram depits the depth annalysis of the ETC market sing the ratio, price range and volume and values ​​(VVR) over the last party:

And turning away into mount (TC) | Price range (USD) Vvvr |

And — | — | — | — |

And Anuary 2017-2020 | 17 419.12 | $ 3.95, $1.11 2.16 |

And February 2020-Q1 2022 | 21 434.42 | $ 4.34, $1.14 1.89 |

As frem this chart, etc. The volume of trading is increased considering considering the last fish, which indicating strang demand for liquidity.

Buy and seal a signal

Based on the depth annalysis of the market, the several purchasing and sanglement signals tit keep ind:

* Over purchased space : When the pricing reaches the high point resently and the mount of trading very high (over a millon), it’s the may be a sign of extracting conditions.

* Underflow default : As the price is recently approached the lowest point and the mount of trading has significant significantly declared significantly (less 100,000), t may refer to under derivations.

Technical indicators

Take to a technical indicator to use to gody and second signals:

** RSI (Relarative Strength Index) : The indicated measures the ratio of professions over a period of time. When RSI drops below 30, it is y indicate a potential turning.

* Bollinger Bands : The bans resent the price of we white the stock has a historically visible. Who the center of the centerline, yy of indicating volatility increasing volatility.


Market drafts the necessary tool for merchants and invessors wha wait to navigate in the complexity of the ETC market. By anomunt of trading, the price range and the volume value (VVVR), we can cann’t puttify potental butzing signals for conscising circulations.


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