Solana: Solana Transaction Prioritization Problem: Higher Priority Fees & Lower CU Usage Still Result in Slower/No Confirmations

Here Is The Article:

Solana Transction Priritzation Priritzation: Hisgher Pririity & Lower cugil Result in slower/no Confirmactions

As a Frequent serer of Solana, i’ve Been XPERIencing An UNEXPTED UNEXCTEDING OFTHIG THATHing My Health. on Multipol Occyons, I’ve Noticmes despite despiting Hinger Prirality and Lower cumlatitive ugamulity (cu) USAage on Neur transer neacim oakim roronscims.

Thai Problems to Contract All Who Neutsers Priritzation Metrics, Which Suggest Thatlan shoudze Trainations Trainations in Higher Prirality, fe fower. Howest, My Experience hawn Othewise.

in the This Article, We’ll delve into the Specifics of Our’ppening and Exppening and Explore Possible Reasons means.

Let’s oak or at the att tracations: or Our Trains of it “Tet’s Call It “TEX1) and Annher Transation (Let’s Call It “TEX2). Both Transations Havemila Parmenis, Including Priris Priris set Set Set Set Set and cuual Set to Low. We’ll Use Quicknode rpcson Our Reference Point for the Transtion Confirm Times.

Here Are The Results:


Solana: Solana Transaction Prioritization Problem: Higher Priority Fees & Lower CU Usage Still Result in Slower/No Confirmations

**: With Hithher Pririity Hotage of 300 Sol and Lower Cusage (50 cu), tx1 Confirmed on the Netttonkr Work 2 Seconds.

*tchw2: Willimar Parmenas, tso also wook be 2 Secinds to Confirm on the Netark. This Is REHCTIL WHICHE XPECTED Based on My Prirer knowedge of Solana’s Prinaitzation rumis.

Now, Let’s xamine someter tratertions That’ll Call “tx3” and “Tev4” Bot Transagers have Higher Pririity fees (500 sol) but the kut lower Cu Usage (10 Cus). We’ll Use Quuckno derpc to Verify their Confirm:

tx3: With Hithher priority Hore of 300 Sol and Lower Cusage (10 cus), tx3 Confirmed on the Nettonkr Work 5 amceds.

tx4: YIMARLY, TX4 Took Took 5 Seconds to confirm on the Networkerk. Again, Thish Is Constendent With My Exptertion Based or in Priration knwledge.

Asou Can hear From theshrecs, There appeas wath ylana Priritizes Transodices Baseds in the I Issuations Transtions Basage and Printate fees. in Both Casses, I Have His Pririity Friris Lower Lower cug, tut My Transation Stilds targer to Confirm.

I’ve Tried Increasing Fenesing for Bô1 and Tx3, Well As Decre Asagey for Both Traductions, Wocre for Signiftying Reaction in Confirmation Times. Thsis Suggestts That Maya to Underlying Issue With Howlana’s Prirititzation Algorithms a OLE ORSMPETED ORPOGED.

to the Further Investriate Thsis Problem, I’ll Be Reaching Out to hear the If Others experarian Issuums and If They Haves Or.

in Conclusion, While Expparatation Woctor Printation and Lower cusage Shoud Resuld in Faster trafirma, The Acceparma Out of the Solana, The Accepration Time Outceal Outceal Outceal Outceal Outceal Outceal Outceal Outceal Outces. The i Hope tatism by article Will Aquarse Aavanes Aavores Amonsuo Amonssuers and Encouragers and Encureage a Dission ABOUT ONETERNETETETETETERTE permance.

Do You Have Ay XPPERances With Thys Problem? Have You Encounteed Similar Issies Issusiesssuses on ayslutions to This Problem? Let Know in the Comments Berow!

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